How to get ready for conceiving a baby?

In China it is tradition to strengthen body, spirit and mind up to two years before getting pregnant. Chinese Herbs and the proper nutrition help tremendously on that journey. I personally will mention here several things that helped me with conceiving a strong and healthy baby and with enjoying an easy and beautiful pregnancy. My mother milk supply was sufficient for nourishing my baby for some months with just my own, natural milk and I did not lose more hair or teeth after being pregnant, it was the opposite, I recovered fast, just my bladder made me problems due to stress(I was for weeks completely alone with my lovely new born baby… but how I healed my bladder will be in one of my next blog articles).

If you want to follow my five easy steps and to see how they work for you, you are very welcome. Please read the following text, additional you can also watch my videos online on YouTube. Here is a link to it:

1. Right nutrition:​

Nutrition I find most important aspect in life next to emotional nutrition! You are what you eat! And you are what you think; but the right nutrition also influences spirit and mind and especially during pregnancy you will want to focus on a suitable nutrition, suitable for you and the little angel(s) in your womb.

In my life I was eating vegan for a long time and definitively not enough food, so I was lacking iron and did not have enough blood supply. If you want to have a healthy pregnancy check first on your physical condition. Your body should be in balance and you should not have any lack of iron and in general of blood in your system. Check your tongue. If you see any wrinkles on it, they are caused mostly by dryness and deficiencies (problems with spleen, liver Qi stagnation etc.), then you should in my opinion still work on your health before getting pregnant.

My nutrition during pregnancy:

Your belly will expand, your boobs grow, so you should eat very well, and, in this way, you might minimize or even avoid stretchmarks, brown spots on your face, linea negra etc… I got nothing of that, and I believe because I ate right for my type and used a high quality, self-mixed, organic oil on my slightly wet belly as a massage 2 times a day, starting at week 6!

I used sesame oil in cold climate and later on coconut oil in hot climates as basis, mixed with some pure almond oil and with a generous amount of organic, natural, high quality essential oils of frankincense, lavender and rose-hip.

During pregnancy I loved raw food, but I know too much raw will not be beneficial for my spleen, therefore I ate mainly cooked food that is cool in nature. For example, zucchini with tomatoes, quinoa, amaranth, couscous and tofu out of the oven. I ate fruits mainly steamed and added nuts and seeds. I ate fish and always tried to go for the organic option and steamed it. I spent most of the time in Thailand so I enjoyed tons of mango and pineapple, but avoided bananas, bread and sugar as that will cause water retention during pregnancy. If you have nutrition questions especially for your type write me and we arrange an online meeting.

2. Yoni Egg Training, Yoga and Detox Tampons:

I had sex once on 2.2.2020 and got immediately pregnant with my lovely and healthy son. I believe that that happened so fast because I was doing for some months before conceiving extended Yoni Egg practice and I was working on issues that were stored in my yoni (yoni means vagina in Sanskrit and I cleaned so much that I even became 2017 a Tao-Tantric facilitator for women).

I have some videos about the yoni eggs online. This training helped me definitively with my pelvic floor and with other yoni related issues. And I used several detox tampons (with completely natural ingredients, please make sure you use a great quality! You can purchase them with 100% natural ingredients on my webpage soon- I am still building up my online store.). About those tampons is controversy in the internet, but for myself I can say that they helped me before and also after my pregnancy. I started with them again four months after pregnancy and they also helped me with my bladder (…).

The Detox Tampons have herbs inside which strengthen that area of the body. If you for example have much dampness in your body due to consummation of milk products, bread, any plant-based milks etc. (….) then by time the dampness will lower itself down to the area of your vagina, which can be called the lower warmer. One symptom of the damp heat is the need of going to toilet often without much urine later one. For me the tampons helped and the use of 30-50g organic Goji Berries daily (…more to come on that bladder topic…).

Yoga helped me a lot during my pregnancy. I was teaching it until week 12 and then I started with a for me suitable practice until the day before birth. I recommend listening to your body. Chinese medicine recommends to not do any sports up to 14 days after a natural birth and then only some slight stretching which I did and to relax and be taken care of up to 40 days after birth- MINIMUM.

3. EPI-NO Training:
EPI-NO Training is a pelvic floor training with a balloon which can simulate the size of the baby’s head in child birth. I started in week 32 with it and continued until week 41 when finally, my Babyboy arrived. Some people recommend starting in week 36, but week 37 until week 42 is a common time of conceiving, because of that I find it better to start earlier with it, so your vagina might be able to expand to level 10 or 11 which is approximately the size of a baby’s head. For me this training worked very well. I did not have to get sewed after birth, even not one stich. I combined the EPI- NO-Training with a soft perineum oil massage about 3 times a week. It made me very relaxed and happy when I saw how my vagina opened more and more to the size of the balloon. You might listen to some Hypnobirthing affirmations during your EPI-NO- Training.
4. Herbs
I drank raspberry leave tea from week 28 to 32, then my Chinese doctor recommended me just to drink women’s coat tea (Alchemilla vulgaris) as I tend to hold on and my pelvic floor is quite muscular due to Yoga and Yoni Egg exercise. Both worked well for me. I did some acupuncture 2 days and 2 day before birth as the little one was already over time.
5. Womb Blessing, meditation and Hypnobirthing
Check out my video on it:… highly recommended! Meditation and Hypnobirthing helped me a lot during my pregnancy and birth. It gave me confidence and helped me by coping with a very long birth and many surges.
“This tool does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on my Blog…”

About Doris Mag. phil. Doris Kemptner is an intuitive healer arising from her long journey of travels around the globe and from her high profile modelling career including a wide range of public media appearances.

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