About Doris

About Doris

Doris Kemptner studied Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Nutrition at Universities in Vienna and Madrid.

Her masters thesis was written on Yogaphilosophy. She made her Reiki Master/Teacher 2015 at Orion Healing Center, Koh Phangan. Thailand. In 2017 Doris studied Ayurveda, the Kaola System. Bhandas, at Shri Kali Ashram, India, where she completed a 200h Medicine Yoga Teacher Training that is balancing the three doshas and is therefore also called the ‘Three Dosha Sequence’ or “Ayurvedic Yoga”.

Her first 200h Yogateacher Certificate Doris attained in 2011 at the Sanctuary in Koh Samui. Thailand. which was for Hot Yoga. Doris holds the titles Miss Vienna 2005, Playmate and especially fights for a healthier body image for models and women in general. She was teaching several schools in Austria and is currently working worldwide as as Model, Yogateacher, Reikimaster and Mama :).

Doris is also holding Philosophy talks, TCM nutrition sessions and Rebirthing sessions. You can also find her on TV programs spreading spiritual knowledge.

About Doris Mag. phil. Doris Kemptner is an intuitive healer arising from her long journey of travels around the globe and from her high profile modelling career including a wide range of public media appearances.

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