Herbal Body Scrub HONEY & TUMERIC



Handgefertigt im Norden Thailands mit völlig natürlichen, regionalen Inhaltsstoffen hält dieses HERB DEE KA-Peeling Ihre Haut gesund, sauber und gepflegt.
This peeling is suitable for the whole body and 100% natural. There are no additive or artificial ingredients inside. Honey is anti- aging; sea salt has antiseptic properties. Thanaka is a nutrient-dense paste packed with vitamin E, which protects the skin against free radicals.
Tumeric brings glow to the skin, boosts healing, helps treat psoriasis and acne scarring. Tamarind has AHAs and citric acid which help cleanse the skin of dead cells and other impurities and acts therefore as a natural exfoliator.
Ingredients: Honey, Salt, Cassumunar Ginger, Tamarind, Thanaka, Tumeric



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Über Doris Mag. phil. Doris Kemptner is an intuitive healer arising from her long journey of travels around the globe and from her high profile modelling career including a wide range of public media appearances.

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